In addition to using Red Light Therapy, Full Body Vibration Therapy and Electro Magnetic Therapy to help you lose weight and feel great, Fit Fast 4 Health also recommends simple HIIT Exercises as well.
What is HIIT Exercise?
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves short bursts of maximum effort followed by a short rest. HIIT workouts can be done either with simple weights and dumbbells to strengthen your muscles or it can also be done as a cardio workout. Either way you don’t need to dedicate hours of time towards exercise. A HIIT workout can be very effective with as little as 20 minutes to dedicate to it.
How Does HIIT Exercises Help Me?
While regular exercise is good for you in many ways, HIIT workouts have many unique and wonderful benefits that include the following:
• Helps to decreases stubborn belly fat
• Strengthens your heart health
• Improves your balance and mobility
• Builds a fiery metabolism that burns fat even after your workout is over
How Does HIIT Exercise Work?
The constantly varied movements you do in a HIIT workout keep your body changing and burning more calories than regular exercises. Your body is more fully engaged due to the difference movements and the weight loss process is enhanced. Resistance training, which can be done with weights, stretching bands or your own body weight alone, allows for your body to build muscle and improve bone density while burning fat. Fat stores are the primary source of energy for muscles.
What’s an Example of a HIIT Exercise?
Let’s describe a simple and fun HIIT workout that focuses on the arms & legs! Here are your instructions: Do the most reps you can for 30 seconds for each exercise, rest for 10 seconds in between each exercise. Try to complete a total of 4-5 sets.
• Forward Lunges (one leg, then switch to other)
• Dumbbell Standing Overhead Press
• Side Lunges (one leg, then switch to other)
• Front Dumbbell Arm Raises
• Backward Lunges (one leg, then switch to other)
• Lateral (side) Dumbbell Arm Raises
• Bonus: Go on a 30 minute walk/jog/bike ride
So what do you think? Ready to give this HIIT workout a try?
Let us know what you think and how it goes for you.
Give Fit Fast 4 Health a call for more suggestions and support on your weight loss journey!
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